WASHINGTON, June 28 (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Monday that state and municipal laws banning handguns for self-protection in the home are unconstitutional.
Another outrage committed by a dim-witted and extreme conspiracy of judicial activists. To say America is dying would be more than a metaphor. In this case, her death will come in a hail of gunfire which will end with her writhing in agony in a pool of her own blood.
When Antonin "Fat Tony" Scalia created a personal gun right with his ludicrous Heller opinion, we entered a new era of jurisprudence. No longer are we bound to the actual text of a law. Now we can invent things such as "prefatory clauses" to dismiss parts of laws we don't like. In that vein, I encourage all officials charged with maintaining law and order to declare this latest outrage of out-of-contol judicial activism from the Supreme Court merely a "recommendatory opinion" carrying no burden of compliance.