Joe Steel
Building a better America by Hammering the right
19 February 2017
Low-effort Thinkers
12 November 2013
Easy to be Devout
The article notes the resistance of the preachers to condemn or even criticize the rejection of Medicaid expansion despite the great suffering which will result from it. The preachers say government has no part in providing relief to the poor and sick because it's the churches' responsibility.
Interestingly, those who don't trust Big Government do trust Big Religion. Perhaps it's because Big Religion has no power to compel compliance with its doctrine. Big Religion can tell us we should give relief to the poor and sick but if we don't we face no penalty. Big Government, of course, has tools to force compliance. Obviously, that makes being devout a good deal easier than being civic -- and gives us reason to doubt the sincerity of all who claim to be saved.
14 August 2013
Don't Eat Rat Cake

The danger doesn't have to persist, though, the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) is offering the new owners a chance to end the danger to consumers. They're offering them a chance to work with BCTGM to bring back the experienced and expert professional bakers the last owners betrayed. As this article, Twinkies Union Wants A New Slice Of The Cream-Filled Pie reports, BCTGM is willing to let the past remain the past and make a new deal to safely deliver what American consumers want.
Let's hope they succeed but in the meantime, try Tastykakes. They're union-made and actually are quite tasty. Check the website for availability in your area.
29 January 2013
Debunking the Second Amendment
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Parents of children killed in the Newtown school shooting called for better enforcement of gun laws and tougher penalties for violators Monday at a hearing that revealed the divide in the gun-control debate, with advocates for gun rights shouting at the father of one 6-year-old victim.Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was killed in last month’s massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, asked people in the room to put themselves in his position as he questioned the need for any civilian to own semiautomatic, military-style weapons.
‘‘It’s not a good feeling. Not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. It’s a real sad thing,’’ said Heslin, who held up a large framed photograph of himself and his son.
A handful of people at the packed legislative hearing then shouted about their Second Amendment rights when Heslin asked if anyone could provide a reason for a civilian to own an assault-style weapon.
The gun cult are low-effort thinkers. As long as we allow them to lean on the Second Amendment, they will continue to resist strict gun control. We need an interpretation of the Second Amendment which denies it to the gun cult and that wouldn't be hard to create.
The Second Amendment has been said to be the least clear and most ambiguous of the Bill of Rights. That shouldn't surprise anyone. We've been arguing about it for decades and only found in it a personal right to guns in 2008 when the judicial hacks of the Supreme Court created one. That came after years and years of gun cult propagandizing.
The thing about propaganda is, it can be made to work both ways. It can do good as well as bad. To be successful, a strict gun control movement would have to create its own view of the Second Amendment. It would have to forget about fighting with gun cult stooges in Congress and create a pervasive new understanding of the Second Amendment which doesn't include a right of personal gun possession.
That would be relatively easy to do. The Second Amendment is not about guns. It is about the military. It never was intended to declare a right gun possession. It was intended to ensure the military comprised common citizens. The "right of the People to keep and bear arms" means we should have common citizens in the military not everyone can have a gun. That's what the Founders intended.
25 January 2013
Filibuster-reforming with the Devil
“The rules change doesn’t really do a lot,” Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) told TPM, saying he’d vote for it. “It certainly preserves the 60-vote threshold, preserves the blue slip procedure. It preserves the filibuster. And that’s important heritage for the Senate.”
Apparently, preservation was Harry Reid's goal. Maybe he thinks the Democrats will be able to use the rules when they don't have the majority. If that's the case, Reid seems foolish. Republicans don't respect tradition. They're perfectly willing to throw-aside tradition if they see a political advantage in doing it.
Reid should be more cautious. Not just for what he's doing to the Senate but also for what he'd doing to himself. Negotiating with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is like dealing with the Devil. Anyone who attempts it deserves to be regarded with some suspicion.
21 January 2013
A Loyalty Oath for Social Security
According to Laursen, Americans have been overwhelming supportive of Social Security for just about forever. Survey after survey has reported a solid majority of Americans like the program and have since its inception. Regardless of what the policy-makers say, about it and its problems, they want it protected under any circumstance. That support, however, creates a bit of a puzzle. Why do we have so many in Washington and the power centers opposing it?
One reason may be that these lawmakers, policy wonks, lobbyists, and upper-tier journalists tend to see Social Security—like many other things—as a quantitative puzzle rather than a human problem.
Why do we elect lawmakers who don't see SS the same way we do? Is it because support for SS among the voters is so widespread and so strong we just assume the candidates hold the same opinion we do? If that's the case, we ought to become more active in ensuring the policy-makers understand the depth of support for SS. This seems like a political problem and one which may be easy to solve. No candidate ever should elected without making a pledge to protect SS.
Maybe we need a Grover Norquist-like loyalty oath to SS. Each candidate for public office should be offered a chance to sign the pledge. Anyone who doesn't should be opposed as a threat to economic security of the American People. The loyalty oath seems to work for right wing extremists--policy-makers are terrified of Grover Norquist. Maybe it's time to take a lesson and use their tactics against them.
19 January 2013
Ann Wagner Embarrasses Missouri
HR 152 was the House's legislation to fund Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. Ann Wagner voted against it. Despite all the help Missouri received when a killer tornado devastated Joplin, Wagner voted against helping our fellow Americans in the Northeast.
It disgraceful and shameful. According to Wagner, it's OK to take but not to give back. I never thought that's the shame we'd have to bear, that we'd be known as deadbeats.